How will donations Help Families at Seattle Children's?

What are we trying to do...

These are the short and long term goals of Housing Solutions for Hope illustrating how we will partner within the community to help patient families in need of housing solutions while at Seattle Children’s. We honor the 110-year history of Seattle Children’s through our commitment towards philanthropic support and development of sustainable giving.

  • Immediate financial gifts will go to support families with short-term lodging needs while the child is in Seattle Children’s care.
    • For example, paying a family’s rent or mortgage while a child is an inpatient or undergoing outpatient treatments.
  • Funding will go to enable long-term inpatients to visit their home for a week-end or holiday.
    • For example: preparing for a safe, clean environment for immunotherapy patients with compromised immune systems.
  • Funding will create longer term lodging solutions while under Seattle Children’s care determined by stays from 1 week to 3 months.
    • We are addressing the families in need who cannot access other Seattle Children’s housing, or do not have an RV to live in onsite.
  • Focus on temporary housing for the family as a stepping stone following patient discharge for 1 to 3 months.
    • Through strategic partnerships (e.g. with Home Builders, Charitable Organizations, Airbnb owners and others) we can create opportunities to place patient families into existing “homes”.
  • Create Legacy housing for patient families while in care of Seattle Children’s that enables “whole family healing” funded by major donations, corporate giving and in-kind donations for co-development of new or renovated housing.
    • This could look like long term Guild owned multi-family unit buildings, ADUs, RVs, etc).

We will fund these endeavors through:

  • HS4H Guild Members, Donors and Guest events – Community-based philanthropic support.
  • Strategic partnerships to co-develop legacy housing solutions.
  • Develop corporate sponsors centered around corporate shared value and social responsibility.
  • Seek opportunities for grant submissions and funding.